Sunday, May 31, 2015

Photo of the week: before/after

(minus the snow)

On Friday I defended my thesis and then celebrated by spending the entire weekend yanking out nails out of boards and painting a house. Today I can no longer use my right wrist (and have to type using only my left hand which is incredibly annoying) and I'll probably be finding red paint on my body for weeks to come, but, it was really really fun! And the house I've known as yellow(ish... sort of) my whole life now suddenly looks really strange. Pretty, but strange.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Photo of the week - handing in my thesis

I've been bad, I know. But I'm trying to redeem myself. I promise I will write once I'm done with school (at the latest), but until then, I'll at least try and post one photo each week so you'd know I'm still alive... if there's even anyone reading this anymore.

But yeah, anyway. This week I handed in my thesis. I will probably do other stuff this week, but nothing will be as great as that moment was. It was so great, in fact, that I celebrated it three times by buying a purple lipstick, eating cake and watching horror movies. One day I will celebrate again with a real big party. One day... maybe in August.

Vana-aasta õhtu blogimeem 2019

1. Mida sa tegid aastal 2019, mida sa varem teinud pole? See aasta oli uute asjade suhtes üsna erakordne. Peamiselt meenuvad viis asja: 1....