Mul on viimasel aastal ketsitallad kohe eriliselt sügelema hakanud, nii et ma kohe mitte ei saa olla teadmiseta, et mind (lähi)tulevikus mõni reis/seiklus/teise riiki kolimine/kõik kolm kokku ees ei oota. Umbes kohe pärast seda, kui me Austriast suusareisilt tagasi jõudsime, saime Teresaga skaibis kokku ja hakkasime tegema plaane üheks pikemaks suviseks seikluseks, millest kasvas lõpuks välja 2,5-nädalane retk, millesse mahtus viis päeva Saksamaad ja pea kaks nädalat Eestit.
Kuna me tegime selle plaani nii ammu aega tagasi, siis ausalt öeldes olin ma võrdlemisi šokeeritud, et see reis lõpuks reaalselt kätte jõudis, Aga kae nalja, 5. augusti õhtul saatsin oma viimase puhkuse-eelse tõlke ära ja 6. augusti hommikul sõitsin bussiga Riiga, et lennata sealt Münchenisse, kust Teresa mind auto peale võttis ja umbes kahe tunni kaugusele enda ülikoolilinna Bambergi sõidutas. Neljapäeval me suurt muud ei teinudki, jõudisme õhtul kümne ajal sinna, jõime veits veini, vaatasime John Oliveri ja sättisime ennast tema megapalavas magamistoas magama (ma sattusin Saksamaale mingi kuumalaine kuumalaine ajal, kõige külmem ilm oli vist 29 kraadi).
For some reason this itching in my shoes I've had since forever has gotten worse and worse over the past year and I seem to not be able to live without knowing that there is an adventure waiting for me at some point.
So, pretty soon after we got back from our ski trip, Teresa, Sebastian and I made plans of meeting up in August, followed by Teresa coming to visit me in Estonia.
Since the time between buying the tickets and me actually going Germany was so long, I was pretty sure that it would never come, but to my amazement it did, so on August 6 I got my backpack, took a bus to Riga and flew to Munich, where Teresa picked me up at the airport (in the VIP area!) and with a small stop at McDonald's on the way (always a healthy start to a vacation) we drove to her university town Bamberg. The day had been quite long, so we ended it with deliciously cold wine (the weather was hottttttttttttt) and good old John Oliver.
On Friday Teresa and I spent a few hours biking and walking around in beautiful Bamberg, though because of the heat it was more like moving from one shade to another and eating ice cream. But the old town was really nice and I got to see her university and library and all the places where the magic happens.
Maailma kõige veidramate jalgadega müstilist liiki lind.
The creepiest bird-feet award goes to...
Pärastlõunal veetsime umbes kolm tunnikest autoga pm risti üle Saksamaa Sebastiani juurde sõites, kes elab väikeses "külas" Prantsusmaa piiri lähedal. Esimesel päeval me suurt muud teha ei jõudnud, kui saime kokku Stephaniega ning sõime sellele piirkonnale traditsioonilist toitu Flammkuchenit, mis on põhimõtteliselt... asjadega kaetud värgendus. Värgendus ise on imeõhuke ja krõbe ning asjad, mida sinna peale pannakse, on erinevad. Pildil on kõige traditsioonilisem, peekoni, sibula ja toorjuustuga, aga me sõime kokku vist 5 või 6 Flammkuchenit erinevate katetega, millest parim oli raudselt kitsejuustu ja meega. Ja tellimise kontseptsioon on geniaalne: kohe, kui üks lauda tuuakse, tellid järgmise, nii et kui sellega lõpetad. tuuakse juba järgmine ning tellid uue jne jne. Vaimustav!
On Friday afternoon we spent three hours or so driving across the country to visit Sebastian in his little "village". It was way too hot to do much else, so we met up with Stephanie, took a car tour in the surrounding areas (AC, yes!) and went out to eat Flammkuchen, which is basically... a thing with stuff. The thing is thin and crispy and the stuff you can put on there varies. I think we ended up eating 5-6 of them (the ordering system is ingenious - as soon as one lands on your table, you order the next one, so when you're done with your first one, the next one already arrives and you order the next one and so on so on, it's basically like a delicious food train, and since they're so thin, you really feel like you could keep eating them forever), but the one with goat cheese and honey will forever be etched in my memory.
Järgmisel päeval sõitsime umbes poole tunni kaugusele ime-ime-imeilusasse Heidelbergi ja põikasime läbi ka Mannheimist.
Representing unicorns in Heidelberg!
Ma olen nende piltide pärast veits nördinud, sest see valgus käis minu algajalikele fotograafioskustele ilmselgelt üle jõu ja ma ei suuda üldse edasi anda seda, kuiiiiii ilus seal oli.
Heidelberg was just gorgeous, but for some reason the light was so weird and I'm too much of an amateur to deal with this, so most of the pictures cannot nearly convey the beauty of it :(
Väljas oli veits palav.
Slightly hot outside.
Euroopa (ja maailma) suuruselt teine barokkloss Mannheimis (mille ees toimus suur pidu, nii et paremat pilti poleks nagunii saanud, peate leppima mu edevusega).
Laupäeva õhtul kostitasid Sebastiani vanemad meid uskumatult küllusliku õhtusöögiga ning päev lõppes mõningase veiniga, millele järgnes spontaanne 1,5-tunnine jalutuskäik Sebastiani küla "roosiaeda", kus pidavat peata Vene sõdur kummitama. Kummitust me ei näinud, aga Teresa tahtis meid vist küll maha lüüa. Aa, ja kas ma mainisin, et see jalutuskäik toimus kell kaks öösel ja palja jalu? Lihtsalt niisama.
Second-largest baroque castle in Europe in Mannheim.
Saturday night ended with a humongous and delicious dinner with Sebastian's parents, followed by sitting outside on the balcony, talking about stuff n' things, until we reached the idea of taking a walk in the middle of the night, which due to some weird circumstances turned into a 1.5-hour BAREFOOT walk to the "rose garden" to see the local ghost of a headless Russian soldier. Found out that long barefoot walks on gravel in the middle of the night aren't nearly as romantic as they may sound. Also that Teresa is afraid of ghosts but not Jesus. Good times.
Pühapäeva hommikul veetsime natuke aega Sebastiani küla loomapargis, kuhu oli kokku toodud igasugu tegelasi, keda ühe euro eest toita sai ning Teresa leidis endale uue hingelooma alpaka (või laama), keda me ülejäänud reisi jooksul veel korduvalt nägime.
On Sunday morning we walked around in an animal park in Sebastian's village where Teresa first met her new spirit animal alpaca (or maybe llama). As a teaser I may say that it was by far not the last alpaca we saw on our travels, but it was definitely the weirdest-looking one.
You could feed the animals, so they were a bit needy.
Pühapäeva lõuna ajal jätsime Sebastiani ja tema perega selleks korraks hüvasti ning võtsime ette järjekordse pika autosõidu Teresa kodukülla, mis oli ikka reaalne pisike külake keset hiiglaslikke viljapõlde ja väikseid imearmsaid künkaid.
Around noon we said good-bye to Sebastian and his family and drove to the village Teresa comes from. Since it was a pretty tiny place, I was more or less sure I was first and only Estonian there. Yay, represent! And the place itself was just adorable.
Pärast kolmepäevast ringisõitmist ja pidevat tegutsemist saime lõpuks aja maha võtta ja rahulikult olla, mis oli... imeline. "Vaatan diibilt kaugusesse ja ei tea, et klõpsu tehakse" pilt.
After three days of driving around and doing stuff we could just sit and take the time off for a while, which was also wonderful. This is my "Being all deep and stuff and looking into the distance, totes unaware that a picture is being taken" photo.
And this is Teresa's
Esmaspäeval tegelesime väga tähtsate asjadega, näiteks minu pressimisega Teresa teismeea tissikleiti, künka otsa sõitmisega ja piltide tegemisega. Ülejäänud pool päeva lesisime ja vaatasime John Oliveri (sest palavus oli endiselt üle mõistuse).
On Monday we were doing very important stuff such as squeezing me into Teresa's boob dress and taking pictures up on the hill, before retiring to Teresa's room and watching John Oliver to escape the heat.
Esmaspäeva õhtul sõitsime rongiga Teresa venna ja tema tüdruksõbra juurde Ingolstadti, kust me teisipäeva varahommikul bussiga Müncheni lennujaama sõitsime. Aga sellest, mis edasi sai, juba järgmises postituses!
Monday evening we took the train to Ingolstadt to stay the night at Teresa's brother's and his girlfriend's place and take the bus to the Munich airport early on Tuesday morning to fly to Estonia. I will write about all the stuff we did in Estonia in the next post(s) at some time.
I'm really sad that I didn't get to see the other unicorns as initially planned, but I'm more than sure it will happen at some point. And thank you Sebastian and Teresa for this adventure! ♥
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